About Me

Hi there! I’m Conan K. Zhang.

I’m a lover of spicy food, electronic music, and music visualizers in that order. Though, you’ll probably know me better as a gameplay engineer!

My favorite video game series is Monster Hunter due to the collaborative nature of its gameplay. The communication and teamwork required to hunt a monster in a timely manner has helped me become a better teammate in real life, as I constantly aspire to learn more in order to help others.

My favorite video game of all time is Ōkami because of its masterful merging of narrative, art, adventure, and combat. The game’s captivating and beautiful world led me to study how video games are brought to life with code!

Senior Gameplay Engineer, ProbablyMonsters

2023 — Present

Still engineering gameplay! Just older.

Gameplay Engineer, ProbablyMonsters

2021 — 2023

Engineering gameplay on an incredible project with an amazing team!

Gameplay Engineer, 343 Industries

2019 — 2021

Engineered Halo Infinite character AI using C++ on a team of 20 consisting of animators, designers, producers, and engineers.

Gameplay Engineer, WB Games Avalanche

2018 — 2019

Engineered character gameplay animation systems for Hogwarts Legacy in C++ and Unreal Engine 4 with a team of 12 engineers and designers.

Co-Founder & Gameplay Engineer, Grace Foundry

2018 — 2019

Founded VR game studio Grace Foundry with a team of 9 engineers, artists, designers, and producers.

Master's in Game Engineering, University of Utah

2017 — 2019

Bachelor's and Honors in Computer Science, University of Utah

2013 — 2017